A mattress protector is a must!

A mattress protector goes over the quilted mattress cover before you put on your sheets and other bedding. Waterproof and washable is the way to go! The goal is to keep all moisture from reaching the mattress. A mattress protector preserves your mattress, shielding it from the little accidents of life. We sweat a lot at night, so you want to make sure that you get a washable cover that will protect your mattress, reduce allergens and keep your bed fresh and clean.

Nearly all protectors we’ve seen are washable and that can help reduce allergens and keep the bed fresh. Whatever you put on top of the mattress will affect the feel, not necessarily in a “good” or “bad” way, just different. A good rule of thumb is the more you put on top of the mattress, the more it will affect the feel. The tighter the cover the firmer the mattress. The experience is subjective and everyone is different.

Mattress protectors come in different styles, e.g.: fully enclosed dust mite cover; waterproof fitted sheet style; down featherbeds; wool; simple cotton polyester pads; and many more. These are generally commodity products that try to differentiate themselves with fancy sounding titles and buzzwords, e.g.: “bamboo” [aka rayon]; natural; organic; pure; etc. 

Today’s waterproof mattress covers aren’t all plasticky and crunchy like the waterproof of yesteryear. Most often waterproof mattress covers have a terrycloth top with a waterproof backing. This keeps you protected and you’d never guess it was waterproof!  The slight downside to this one is that it sleeps a little warmer, but it really is the best at preventing moisture from getting to the mattress.

Some protectors that use wool or cotton batting may do a better job with temperature regulation. But, they aren’t as good at protecting against spills and other accidents: