For a complex finished textile product, such as a mattress, to be called “certified” organic it must be composed of a minimum of 95% third-party-certified raw materials. Then independently, the company manufacturing the mattress must also meet the requirements as listed in the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, and to subject its facility and finished products to an independent annual textile audit to standards such as GOTS, by a USDA-approved certifying agent.

Therefore, to call a mattress “organic” or to sell it as such, the company producing the mattress must earn independent organic status and be awarded an organic certificate annually in their name. This means that a mattress cannot be called “organic” simply because it is made up of one, some, or even all organic raw materials. It is the “certifying agent” that substantiates that the organic claim being made is actually true. It must be a USDA-approved certifying agent, who through an audit process can give a company legitimate claim or right to use the term “organic.”