About Organic Mattresses

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How do I find the right foundation for my mattress?

Finding the right foundation or bed frame for your mattress can be just as important as the mattress itself. If you don’t have the right support for your mattress, you might be missing out on experiencing all the benefits of that mattress. Different types of mattresses require different foundations. For example, memory foam mattresses are

By |2019-08-27T04:23:31+00:00August 27th, 2019|, |Comments Off on How do I find the right foundation for my mattress?

Is it Difficult to Clean Natural Latex Mattresses?

Natural latex mattresses are naturally resistant to bacteria and microbes, which means they don’t need to be cleaned as often as innerspring, and even some types of memory foam mattresses. When you need to clean them, they are easy to clean and maintain.

By |2019-08-27T04:20:49+00:00August 27th, 2019||Comments Off on Is it Difficult to Clean Natural Latex Mattresses?

How is Latex Different from Memory Foam?

There are many differences between latex foam and memory foam. One of the biggest is the construction process. Latex foam is constructed in a manner that it encourages air flowing toward and away from the skin – keeping your skin cooler at night. This helps you sleep better, without waking up throughout the night because

By |2019-08-27T04:20:22+00:00August 27th, 2019||Comments Off on How is Latex Different from Memory Foam?

Do Latex Mattresses Cause Off-Gassing Issues?

Some memory foam mattresses that are made with petrochemicals have a reputation for powerful off-gassing, once removed from the packaging. These strong odors can cause headaches and respiratory issues if you don’t allow them to air out properly before bringing them into enclosed rooms in your home. That is not the case with 100 percent

By |2019-08-27T04:19:58+00:00August 27th, 2019||Comments Off on Do Latex Mattresses Cause Off-Gassing Issues?

How is Latex Foam Created?

There are two types of latex foam manufacturing processes that are used to create latex mattresses — Dunlop and Talalay latex. Dunlop involves pouring foam into molds where it is vulcanized and allowed to dry. This creates a very dense layer of foam for mattresses that is often preferred by those who suffer from back

By |2019-08-27T04:04:29+00:00August 27th, 2019||Comments Off on How is Latex Foam Created?

Why should I use a foundation under my organic mattress?

Foundations do three things for a mattress. First, they ensure proper air circulation, thereby discouraging mold and mildew. Secondly, they provide fabric-to-fabric contact so your mattress does not rub against rough surfaces such as wood or metal. Finally, they allow you to adjust your mattress height from the floor.

By |2019-08-27T03:53:05+00:00August 27th, 2019|, |Comments Off on Why should I use a foundation under my organic mattress?

How long do natural latex mattresses last?

Normally there is no need to flip or rotate your  natural latex mattress. That's because the natural latex foam layers are made from rubber. ... There is no harm in flipping or rotating the layers in your natural latex mattress if you feel it will be subjected to unusual pressure or wear.

By |2019-08-27T03:50:08+00:00August 27th, 2019|, , |Comments Off on How long do natural latex mattresses last?

How do I care for my Organic Mattress?

The Do’s and Do not’s Do keep your mattress flat, Do Not store it in compressed or rolled state for shipping. Do keep your bedding clean. We suggest using a mattress pad or mattress protector, especially if children will be using the bed. Do replace the old foundation when purchasing a new mattress. An old

By |2019-08-27T03:47:44+00:00August 27th, 2019||Comments Off on How do I care for my Organic Mattress?

What is the difference between natural latex and memory foam?

The natural latex rubber used in our mattresses is derived from the sap of the rubber tree, while memory foam is a chemically produced synthetic petroleum product. Natural latex is safer for people with chemical sensitivities, is more durable, and normally outlasts memory foam. Most people find natural latex more comfortable as memory foam does

By |2019-08-27T03:44:37+00:00August 27th, 2019||Comments Off on What is the difference between natural latex and memory foam?
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